It was another packed day last Wednesday and although we weren't down there, anticipation for the Andy Thê-Anh show and Joe Fresh Styles show had me checking Twitter statuses and The National Post like a maniac!

Andy Thê-AnhHighlights: Jeweled Tights and Fur.
Hair: The flattened bouffant.
Colours: Beige, Aqua Green, Grey, Forest Green, Aqua Blue and Watermelon pink.
Joe Fresh Style

Ever since Joseph Mimran started the Joe Fresh Styles label, Superstore hasn't been the same. I applaud the label for bringing fashion to the masses in an affordable way.
The collection was simple and as daring as department store fashion can be!
Colours: Black, white and grey
Highlights: Knee length socks, large square prints and romantic blouses.
Other designers that showed on Wednesday were:
I don't know much about the Gaudet label, but this was probably one of my favourite collections shown at LG Fashion Week. The collection was very dreamy and whimsical. It was very abstract but also had flowery accents that were subtle yet bold. I love pieces that can be hung on walls and the collection from Gaudet was art in itself.
Cheri Milaney
Cheri Milaney took a very different approach to her collection. Instead of professional models, Milaney used real everyday women to show off her collection. This tactic is always good as it shows that her designs are made for every day women.
It is very important to know the history behind designers in Canada. I am a new learner as i'm sure a lot of our readers are and I cannot get enough of the history of fashion designers in Canada!
Here is a video on the history of Comrags as they celebrate 25 years of fashion!
Comrags celebrates 25 years of fashion! Pink Tartan
Kimberley Newport-Mimran, yes married to Joseph Mimran, created Pink Tartan in 2002. She is not only the co-founder but the head designer and president. Pink Tartan is a simple label focused on practical clothes that can take women from day to dinner.
Stand outs for me were the pink patterned tights.
Photos courtesy of LG Fashion Week and
Peter Lytwyniuk
@ Studiolit