Once again our banners have changed and I know we said we would feature a photographer each month, but due to you know... "life"... we decided it would be good to give each other a break and feature another art form that is key to fashion and that is the role of the illustrator.
Garrett Naccarato who is a regular blogger for Calgary Fashion is responsible for the tres chic banners that will be seen on the blog this month! I'm loving this first one and as he continues to work on the rest of the banners for each week, I'm more and more excited to show you just how talented and skilled he really is.
The Project Runway interviews have been fantastic. A funny thing has been happening where I am totally left in awe and inspired by some of the designers on the show and as I get to know more about them each week I am more and more impressed. Last week Baylor was the unfortunate designer to go. The drama of the show last week was intense!! To get a sense of just how intense it really was check out this blog post that got me howling with laughter!
Baylor should not have been eliminated, but such is T.V. life, it refrains from any sense of real justification. He was really amazing to speak with, such a wonderful guy. Incase you missed that interview you can find that ----> HERE
February was also filled with excitement as I was featured in the Calgary Herald for Lincoln Philip's column, as well as on the lifestyle website Martini Boys and on the radio station CJSW.
Yes, my parents are proud and I am proud of everybody really, the fans, Jordan, Garrett, Selina, Yana, Melissa, David and Darren for really making all this possible.
Press is good and we have been getting wonderful feedback from everybody so we are happy.
March is going to be jam packed with several events happening, illustrator Aimee Qiu will be showing her work at The Gallery this month. She is always really interesting as fashion comes into play with her work quite a bit. The Park Show Fundraiser will be taking place on the 14th of March at Artlife Gallery, please take some time out to support these guys, they are doing a fantastic job of revamping this event. As usual there are concerts up the wazoo, Shout Out Out Out Out March 5th at The Warehouse, trust me this will be amazing as the boys just released their new album, Talib Kweli, March 21st at Flames Central and of course Factory Party 5!!!
The Modern Leisure saw just over 1000 people at their last Factory Party and we're sure FP5 will blow that figure way out the water! Oooh. This month Melissa and I will also be in Toronto for Toronto Fashion Week!!! Yahooo!
Have a good month guys!