"As the body rolled to the ground Tarzan of the Apes placed his foot upon the neck of his lifelong enemy and, raising his eyes to the full moon, threw back his fierce young head and voiced the wild and terrible cry of his people."
Tarzan seems obtuse, but Guerilla Shops have been on my mind. Recently i've heard of a shop in Williamsburg, NY called 303 Grand. I think they've totally flipped the script on "Guerilla," as they are able to brand the space and have anyone that is running on a budget a great venue to operate and capitalize! Yes I know art galleries, theatres and town halls have done this for a few days before 303 Grand. But I think its the range of opportunity that is very exciting, I mean this joint is in the heart of Brooklyn!? Currently how else could you give such a grand opportunity to SO MANY creatives who don't have Buffet backing their budgets, that kind of exposure and cred?
With that said I would like to introduce some cats that have been doing it on their own! Komakino in Vancouver needs to be on everyones top 3 list of places to experience if they ever visit the west coast...and I do mean the whole coast.