Peace On Earth Hunt Gift 2010: La Bella Dame @ Thalia's Fashion Collection

Thalia's Fashion Collection - POE Hunt Gift 2010.

La Bella Dame: Gorgeous "Little Black Dress" adorned with a sophisticated bow that wraps around your waist with matching skirt and arm frills that sway as you walk. An elegant outfit fitting for a casual or elegant occasion. An essential outfit for every wardrobe. Yours! Completely FREE as part of the Peace On Earth Hunt 2010.

Hunt Hint: "Be the belle of the ball"

Teleport to Thalia's Fashion Collection - Main Store here:

Over the Shoulder Smolder Holder

{Shop: Skirt, Socks, Boots}

I have officially conquered the smolder look. Look at that smolder up there. That look says "Fall in love with me, but don't, I'll only break your heart." It's been 26 years in the making; looking in mirrors constantly, checking my reflection in order to master the smolder. But look at that smolder now -- conquered! 

I am not sure where this pretty scarf came from. Did I steal it? Possibly. I can't remember. Oh wait no I didn't steal my scarf. Whew. My sweet cousin donated it to me. (You know, my Donate Pretty Scarves to Kendi Foundation) But where did she get it? I have no idea. She probably stole it. 

For the life of me, I couldn't think of a name for this blog post. So leave your suggestions now! The best one wins.*

*And by best I mean funniest and by win I mean I'll just re-name my post. That's all you get. And a hug. You get a hug.

**The winner is: "Over the Shoulder Smolder Holder" from Stephanie. I laughed for a good 5 minutes on that one. You guys are funny -- I should hire all of you to write my titles for me. I don't pay and I"m a terrible boss. You in?  

Your lips, my biggest weakness

Went to Amsterdam Sunday and yesterday for a shopping night at the new H&M!
Bought some really nice things, above you can see some new jewellery :)
And a shoppingbag filled with nice things!
I'll show you guys my purchases Tuesday.
Now I'm off to bed, I'm so tired! ♥
P.S: I wanna to thank you all for the nice comments!
When I have time I'm going to answer them all (:

topped with a bow..






Outfit details: Chambray shirt- GAP; houndstooth dress- Sirens (old); scarf and bow hair clip- H&M; belt- vintage

winter mix

Today's outfit is really mixed up. I wore my winter boots, that keeo your feet really warm, to my vintage dress.
I just wanted to wear these shoes until I was near the field and I could change them for my new wedges but I also took some photos with these shoes. I think both versions are cool and maybe a bit inspiring.
 Do you see what I did with my socks?? I wore two pairs and put the one pair over the other. Hope you like it. Ohh and thank you so much for all your comments :)
 Mein heutiges Outfit ist ein Mix aus allem, irgendwie. Ich habe meine Winterstiefel zu meinem Vintage-Kleid angezogen.
Eigentlich wollte ich die Schuhe nur bis zum Feld anziehen und dann mit meinen neuen Wedges Fotos machen, aber auf den meisten Bildern sind jetzt meine Stiefel.
Und seht ihr, was ich mit meinen Socken gemacht habe? Ich habe zwei Paar angezogen und die längeren Socken dann über die Kürzeren gestülpt oder so ähnlich. Hoffe es inspiriert euch ein bisschen.
Ohhh und Danke für die ganzen Kommentare in der letzten Zeit :)Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic

What Dreams are Made Of


I have been waiting to wear this outfit all weekend long. I woke up one night with this outfit in my dream but I didn't pack all of these items, so I had to wait until I got home. (So maybe I dream about outfits and ex-boyfriends. Judge me.) My outfit turned out exactly how I wanted it to. I'd like to take this moment and give my subconscious a shout-out for never sleeping on the job. But on the other hand, I'm married so we can go ahead and clean out the ol' ex-files.

I feel very Lucky Magazine today with my mix of autumn colors. (hire me!) It crossed my mind for about twenty seconds to photoshop myself onto a Lucky Magazine cover and send it to them. But then I realized that's creepy. So I didn't do it.


I have to be honest -- we were without internet for 4 days and it was really hard. This partially scares me and makes me sad. And partially makes me want to buy a personal satellite internet hat so that I will never be without internet again. I'm kidding, they don't even make those kind of things.... wait, do they make those? Not that I would buy one. But I would if it was on sale and cute. I'm kidding. (I'm not kidding.)

Wish List

Thirteen outfits more and my self-imposed shopping ban will be lifted. Then I will go (mildly) wild on things that I really need like more jewelry. But if I wait a few more days, maybe just maybe, someone will give me everything on my wish list. Do you hear me husband? This is your first and last hint. 

All items shown are from Linkel Designs

first snow

Yesterday it finally began to snow.
Unfortunately the snow doesn't keep liying on the ground.
In the picture you can see my new 3€ wedges from H&M.  I combined the shoes with my NewLook dress and a lace shirt from a Vintage store in paris.
Do you like it?
Gestern hat es endlich angefangen richtig zu schneien.
Leider bleibt der Schnee nicht wirklich liegen.
Auf den Bildern seht ihr meine neuen 3€ Wedges, die ich mir eigentlich schon eher kaufen wollte, da waren sie mir aber zu teuer.
Zu den Schuhen habe ich mein frühlingshaftes NewLook-Kleid angezogen und ein Pullover darunter gezogen.
Das Spitzenhemd habe ich aus einem Vintage-laden aus Paris und ich dachte, dass es das Outfit ein bisschen aufpeppen würde :)
hat, wedges:H&M
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You may or may not have seen this outfit before.



If you visited Miss Vinyl Ahoy's blog from our swap on Friday, then you've seen this outfit before. But maybe, just this once, you can pretend that you didn't see it and act surprised. Just like you'll have to act at your surprise birthday part next week. Oh, you didn't know about that? Sorry, just act surprised. 

Well I don't know about you guys but I broke my personal record for how many meals I can eat in a twenty-four hour period. (It was six this year). That was without a nap, too. It was a Thanksgiving miracle. Then we woke up at 3:45 a.m. and went Black Friday shopping. Before you start hurling "I thought you weren't supposed to shop?!?!" insults at me, I had two very important people I needed to shop for: precious nephew 1 and adorable nephew 2. If you saw these two kids, you'd wake up early and stand in lines to get a few toys for a few dollars off. So if buying toys for my nephews is wrong, I don't want to be right. 

(Do you see what I did there? I used your emotions against you and now you are on my side. No worries, there was no personal shopping unless you count a HUGE coffee for me and some warm socks for my husband. Do you see what I did there? I used your emotions against you again. You should have seen that coming.) 


Thalia's Fashion Collection is having a BLACK FRIDAY STOREWIDE SALE! All items in the store are marked down. In fact most outfits are priced $75L and most value packs are $345L! This is a STOREWIDE event. Don't miss out on such a great sale.


Teleport in-world to Thalia's Fashion!

Everyone is going to hurt you sooner or later, you just have to decide who's worth the pain and who's not

Outfit of today! Spent the day in my room cleaning it up.
Wearing my big oversized sweater I bought at H&M!
I love the shape cause it's so comfy :)
On the second photo it's a bit too oversized haha,
but on the first photo you can see the real shape.
Tommorow I'm finally go see the new H&M, so excited!
Enjoy your weekend lovelys ♥

Jen on Why I Remix

"I am naturally a person that loves to be creative. It is what drives me each day, but sometimes life can get you down and it can suck that drive from you. I started jenloveskev as a way to challenge myself to stay creative everyday with my outfits, in cooking, with my art and just life in general. I wanted to share with people that you didn't have to spend lots of money on clothes to have a versatile wardrobe. That each morning you can wake up and put together a super awesome outfit from items that you have already worn a bunch of times. It's all in the way you think about it! 

Why do I remix?

It keeps my budget in control and it keeps me feeling creative. There is something so rewarding about hearing someone say 'I never see you wearing the same thing twice, you must spend a fortune.' Haha I love knowing that I haven't broken the bank on all the latest trends, but that people think I have.  Remixing keeps things fresh and with a few key pieces and a handful of accessories it creates endless possibilities. Life is short and when it comes down to it, I'd much rather spend extra money on adventures with Kev than on clothes. "

If you don't already, follow Jen on her stylish adventures at jenloveskev


zaklina wears leggins & top by i-gle.

zaklina wears trousers by andreja bistricic.

Linkel Designs Giveaway! {CLOSED}

Happy Black Friday friends! To celebrate that food coma you are probably in, Linkel Designs is giving away a Silver Leaf Long Statement Necklace from her collection. Here is how to win it:

1. Visit Linkel Designs and pick out a nice gift for a friend or someone you love.
2. Leave a comment below and tell me what gift you'd give from her shop and to whom you will give it to. Leave your entry below from now until Tuesday, November 29th at noon. 
3. Go take a nap. If you've been up since 3:30 am like me, you look terrible. 

Linkel Designs is also offering a 10% discount from now (Friday, November 26th)  until Monday, November 29th. Use discount code 'KENDI' at the checkout.  

inspired by the forest

Today I got inspired by the forest.
This means green clothes, fur hat or a hunters hat and brown flat shoes.
I'm so excited about the snow that will come hopefully tomorrow.
So I can wear my new H&M haul.
I got some cool wedges for really less money.
Heute habe ich mich vom Wald inspirieren lassen.
Das heißt viel grün, Jagd oder Fellhut und braune flache Schuhe.
Ich kann es kaum abwarten bis es endlich schneit und ich euch meine neuen Schuhe, die ich für wenig Geld bei H&M bekommen habe, zeigen kann.
Es sind zwar keine Stiefel, aber ise passen super zum Schnee :)
gloves: Monki
jacket: Pepe Jeans
shoes: my moms
hat: my dad
fur hat: H&M

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Substitute Teacher


Hello everyone, I'm Suze from Miss Vinyl Ahoy. I'll be your pseudo-Kendi for the day. Happy black Friday! I'm still in a post-Thanksgiving food coma, and stuck at work today. But that probably works out for the best, since I don't need to go shopping anyway (and shouldn't, since I'm on day 15 of the 30 for 30!).

Anyway, Kendi and I swapping posts today. We seem to own a lot of the same clothes, so we decided to style our striped Old Navy tee and see how different/similar our outfits are. My outfit is inspired by the opposite of the weather we've been getting here in Michigan. It's been cold, rainy and cloudy for days. I'm so ready for it to be nice out again, which, for the Detroit area, means I have to wait until spring. These shoes aren't really the most practical for cold weather, but I don't care. I want to wear them with everything, even if they don't match. Every time I wear them I want to sing Nancy Sinatra. Then I change my mind and close my mouth, because no one needs to hear that.

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, are getting great deals during Black Friday, and hopefully you'll think of me while you're out shopping. Sadly, I'm stuck at my desk, wishing I were at home sleeping.

Thanks for letting me borrow your blog for my post, Kendi! To see Kendi's sixteenth outfit, visit my blog.

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