I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned but I love Brighton. I love how laid back it is as well as being undeniably cool and populated by cool individuals who all look different. Being from the north, where everyone seems pretty narrow minded its nice to go somewhere and not feel like everyone's judging you. I'm not gay or anything (as Brighton's known in Britain as the Gay Capital) it's just you don't feel like an outsider there.
I've grown up visiting there with family, as I have family in London, and we'd take day trips out to Brighton. So it always reminds me a bit of home, and after recently losing my 12 yr old family dog, Sebastian, it was nice to go somewhere where I have so many memories of him too.
As well as all this I love Brighton because one of my best friend Roisin's from there. She's so lovely and I realised I miss her very much being back up north without her. But times change so I suppose I'll have to get on with it. We visited because it was Rosies 21st and we felt obliged (nah Im kidding roooose, we really wanted to) and I had a great weekend full of laughs.
These are just some of the photos above I took over the weekend. The weather was cold and dreary but Brighton Pier will always cheer up the dimmest of days.
I want to thank Curz too for driving us, she was a trooper. (5 hr journey each way)
Ok I didn't get much of a ootd whilst there but these are the closest to what I wore.
Here I am with (in order) Emma, Lauren, and Roisin.
Have you been up to anything exciting recently?