Election Day

{Shop: Similar Blazer, Skirt, Necklace, Shoes}

I know that I linked my skirt up there but don't buy it online. I got it in store for $4. So basically Target is paying me to wear this skirt. Okay, that's flawed logic but still don't buy it online. Or else. Or else what you ask? Or else you'll pay $12 too much, I'm just trying to help here. Don't get so defensive. 

So I voted today. Did you? If you are over 18 and breathing, then you should have said yes to that question. If you did not, I'll let this one slide as I did not vote in the 2004 election. Instead I was lured by a boy I had a major crush on to go see a movie and bypass the voting altogether. I now realize the irresponsibility of my ways, 6 years later. Also, I'm pretty sure I bought dinner that night. A boy who does not pay for meals and does not vote? Thank goodness he ended up dumping me. But you know who didn't dump me and who goes to vote with me each election year? Mr. Everyday. Now that is a love story if I've ever heard of one. 

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