When People Think Fashion Design School - They Think Italy

Think of all those fine leather shoes, the smart looking dresses, and the attractive hats that the rich and famous wear everyday. Most of us have admired them, but have you ever thought of designing them yourself?

If you have, chances are you know that today the highlight in the world of fashion is Italy. Just mention that something is Italian and everyone will know that, if you are talking about fashion, it belongs to the top of the line.

And everyone knows that for that very reason the best fashion designer schools are in Italy. But because there are so many good ones, how do people go about selecting the right one?

If you are thinking of traveling to Italy to attend one of the many schools of fashion design, here are some tips that may help you decide which one will best meet your needs.

1- School Background:

Some schools tend to focus on one or another area, and that is important when making your selection. What field interests you the most? Are there any well known designers in that field that have graduated from that school? How well have other exalumnae fared after graduation? The school mission and goals are important aspects to understand, as they will inform you about what you should expect to achieve there, and what the school expects from its students.

2- Word of Mouth:

Besides learning about a school from their own publications, another way to find out what it is truly like is to talk to graduates from that school, or others that have attended there. Find out what positive and negative experiences they had, and what they liked and disliked about it. Then consider what you have learned and weigh the pros and cons. Keep in mind that not all schools are made for everyone, and not everyone is cut out for all schools. Compare your own goals and interests with what you glean from others' experiences.

3- Finances:

This will obviously be a determining factor in your selection process. Check the fees carefully to ensure that all possibilities are covered. Are all the expenses listed, or are there any hidden fees? What about room and board? Do you have to find an apartment on your own, or does the school have anything available for students? Are the materials included? If not, will you be able to afford the extras? Or can you work and study at the same time and, if so, are there jobs readily available? Don't be afraid to ask, for you do not want to discover that you have unexpected costs once you are in Italy.

4- Entrance Requirements:

Most schools have a specific list of qualifications needed in order to be admitted into their school. Be sure to review this list carefully; some find that a checklist can be very helpful to ensure that nothing is missed. Gather and send all the necessary documents together. This will save you and the admissions officer time and additional expense. It will also allow you to understand whether or not you do possess the required conditions, and will allow you to concentrate on the schools where you are more apt to be admitted.

If you have the appropriate qualifications, and are determined to get into the Italian school of fashion design you have selected, the tips listed above will certainly help you obtain your goal. It may not be easy to gain admittance, but with clear and concise guidelines your dream of becoming a renowned fashion designer may become a reality before you know it!

For more information on fashion and various reputable fashion design schools please visit http://fashiondesign-school-info.com/ a website which specializes in tips, advice and resources on fashion design schools.Your Article Search Directory : Find in Articles

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