
En estos tiempos sabemos que ir a la moda, y que nos miren raro, no es un tema extraño. Quizás porque la gente está demasiado acostumbrada al "jean y zapatillas, y remerita básica".
Si nos ponemos a pensar, hay un sinfín de prendas para usar, que fueron inventadas para ser utilizadas. Las compramos, las usamos, las combinamos y armamos un maravilloso outfit. Sabemos que no todo nos puede gustar, pero justamente ahí está el punto. A mi no me gusta x prenda de una persona, y a otra persona le sucede lo mismo con nuestro outfit. Pero seamos francos, ¿alguien sale perjudicado porque alguien use X prenda? No. Entonces es ahí cuando juega un rol muy importante la libertad, esa libertad de elección, que nos permite vestirnos como se nos antoje y ser felices porque usar ese outfit nos hace sentir bien. A mi particularmente vestir a la moda me da ánimos, sí, ánimos! Cada vez que abro los ojos a las 6 am, miro mi vestidor y pienso "este va a ser un gran día". Sí, puede sonar tonto, pero mis zapatos, mis carteras, mis ropas, son las que me dan ese "empujoncito" para que comience la rutina. Porque para mí, tener que vestirme, tener que elegir un outfit a la mañana temprano, no es algo tedioso, sino todo lo contrario.
Recuerden que "LIBERTAD" no sólo es esa palabra que repetimos en nuestro himno, va mucho más allá de eso, pero parece que la gente todavía no lo ha comprendido.

Positive Thinking Is The Key

So basically my friends have challenged me to a week of positive thinking.
I am quite a cynical and sarcastic person (I wouldn't say negative though) so it's gonna be tough haha.
These all help though...

Rights I am off to see An Education now at its final showing :D
I was going to see it on Saturday but it had sold out (I ended up seeing Valentines Day which is THE WORST FILM EVER... Sorry there is no way I can keep that awful film positive) so I am beyond excited. And prepared. I have my pre booked ticket in hand!
Hope you are all having a lovely Monday.

Keep positive like I am trying to ;)

Beth xoxo

Batch 13-CLOSED!

Here are the list of your order. Please ensure that we've list down the correct Code/Color/Size (If any).
If something wrong, please do drop us E-Mail/SMS.
Thank you :D

Batch 13 Order List(Pre Order)

1. Linda
(paid DP)
AC2Accessories (Ready Stock)

2. Rose (OOS)


3. Debbie (OOS)


4. Nur Aurah (paid DP)

5. Siti Norlin

6. Cheryl Ling

7. Yuan Yuan (paid DP)
Soft Grey

8. Tammy

9. Belle (paid DP)
RL3888032Dark Blue

10. Winnie (paid DP)

11. Adawiyah (paid DP)

12. Siti Hazwani

13. Shelly (paid DP)

14. Lisa

ein anstrengender Tag in Frankfurt

Gestern war ich von 12 Uhr bis 19:00 Uhr abends in Frankfurt. Erst musste ich einen Iq-Test für ein Internat machen, dann ging's ab auf die Zeil zum shoppen. Der Iq-Test war garnicht so schlimm, wie ich befürchtet hatte. Obwohl ich gedacht habe, dass ich nur von Strebern umgeben sein werde, hörte ich Sätze wie " Gehst du heut abend auch saufen??" Naja und dann bin ich um 17:45 Uhr auf der Zeil gewesen und hetze erst zum Accesoires Laden im My-Zeil und dann zum H&M und dort habe ich etwas total cooles entdeckt. Es gibt bei H&M eine Kollektion mit dem Namen The Blues. Das sind fast nur Sachen aus Jeansstoff und die sind richtig cool. Hier sind ein paar Fotos:

Brazaletes 2010

Muy pero muy alejado de mi estilo. Paso.

Bensoni Fall 2010

I know that Bensoni's Fall 2010 collection didn't exactly get rave reviews, but I still really enjoyed elements of the show... the use of plaid, fur and punches of colour really appealed to me, as did the mini-hat headbands, which were just adorable... in fact, it reminded me of a modern day Alice in Wonderland of sorts, complete with a whimsical wood as the background setting. And although I thought their dresses left something to be desired, the rest of the collection suited me just fine... Call me crazy, but I'm a fan.
Images courtesy of

Where fashion and music meet- Beyonce

Our last installment of the series of photos me and my friend are doing for our media project based around style and music icons.
We have done Rihanna, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga and now Beyonce.
This one is obviously inspired by her and- in my humble opinion- the BEST VIDEO EVER; Single Ladies.

Xanthe is wearing a black bandage dress form Topshop (but it really does look like a Herve Leger, no?)

Photographed by me, Beth Ruby Lambert
Modelled and Styled by Xanthe May Harrison

Have a fab friday night everyone!
Beth Ruby xoxo
ps) Click to enlarge. I still haven't figured out how to blow photos up proper large yet like Knight Cat. Anyone know how?

photo of the day...

Today's photo is brought to you by the Sartorialist, who's style influence knows no bounds. I love this pic because it shows that true style, unlike youth, is never fleeting... rock on grandpa!

mit Chuks in den Frühling

Da es heute etwas wärmer ist, dachte ich mir: " Hey, du kannst ja heute mal deine neue Frühlingsjacke anziehen" und zu der Jacke von H&M habe ich einfach einen süßen Rock, Ringelshirt und Chucks gewählt. Wie findet ihr's?

Jacke: H&M
Rock: H&M
Strumpfhose: schon etwas älter
Ringelshirt: Promod
Pullover: H&M
Schuhe: Converse

Burberry Prorsum Fall 2010

Fitted, and cropped, and oversized- oh my! The Burberry Prorsum runway was buzzing with variety for Fall 2010... narrowing down my favs proved to be a daunting task, as designer Christopher Bailey left no style behind in his quest for the perfect coat. From military styles to demurely tailored numbers, Bailey hit the nail on the head with this collection. The muted colour scheme and fabrics are divine, and the over the knee boots and accessories are to die for. Now if only I had an extra couple of grand lying around...

Images courtesy of

Para esas mañanas frescas de verano...

Estas 2 últimas semanas el tiempo nos sorprendió.
Tuvimos lluvia, viento y el clima era fresco durante las mañanas. A mi me dió la sensación de que estábamos en otoño, o bien, que el verano ya se estaba despidiendo.
Elegir un outfit para salir a la mañana y regresar por la tarde, teniendo en cuenta el factor clima y el factor estación, parece una tarea difícil. Yo he visto de todo: gente que se tiró el armario encima, y sacó sus abrigos "gordos", y gente que se resistía al cambio climático y que seguía con sus vestiditos strapless livianos. Ambos ejemplos, son por demás de extremistas.
Primero que nada, no debemos olvidarnos de la estación en la que estamos: verano.
Pero por el otro, tampoco debemos sentir frío. Es por eso, que decidí hacer este post, para darles ideas sobre cómo podemos vestirnos cuando el clima se empeña en jugarnos una mala pasada.



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Pullover: 2nd Hand (new) / Leggings: ZARA / Shoes: ? / Belt: Vintage




So what do you think about the new high heel clogs?
Do you have a pair already?

or NOT?


Celebrity Red Carpet Dresses

Ever marvelled who equipped your fave celebrity when you see them walking around down the red carpet? Red carpet attire are not chosen on an impulse, that much you know, but how do the celebs and superstars select their designers? No matter what happens before the final selection is formed, we have good news for you. These beautiful celebrity dresses can now be yours.

Celebrity Dresses now Available Imagine the chance to own the same superb design as your favourite celebrity. Dresses are made to be uplifing and to make us feel pretty, female and glowing. We suspect our line of celebrity dresses personify these excellences.

Infrequently star quality is all about feeling it and our celebrity red carpet dresses can make you the star of your own formal events. This collection is adapted as the celebs themselves and, for the 1st time, you'll find many of those wonderful dresses inside our Celebrity Collection on our internet site.

Stars designs are primary and exclusive. Stunning pieces include stylish dress offerings that may have you daydreaming and planning those special events months ahead.

Dress Up Like Celebrity

Celebrities have endless amounts to spend on clothes and niknaks. And , they have fashion experts to give them direction on what to wear and the way to wear it. They might possibly be at an advantage when it comes to looking great ; but that does not suggest that you too can't dress up like a star. All that it takes is a little fashion savvy. This is how to dress up like a celebrity even if you are on a restricted budget. Pick a Fashion Coach Select one celebrity that defines the style you need to project. Select someone that's style and fashion sense you admire and who has a body type like yours. Study how they dress and their clothing selections. Rip out stills. Get an understanding of how they put clothing together and then use that data to build your own private celebrity style.

To Dress Up Like a star, Study Celebrity Mags Flip through celebrity mags like Individuals and In Touch to see what your favourite stars are wearing. These mags are comprehensive resources for celebrity fashion ideas. Another good celebrity fashion site is Style Watch at To Dress Up Like a star, Learn to Accessorize See what earring and jewellery styles the massive celebrities are wearing and borrow from their ideas. You can regularly find costume versions of expensive jewellery which has the same look at a more reasonable cost.

Another concept is to make your own beaded necklaces and earrings by taking a class at a local bead store. When you know the way to make jewellery, you can whip up your own versions of well-liked celebrity jewellery styles. Carry an Dear Purse If you've got the cash to only invest in one costly piece, select a top quality, well made purse.

A massive name designer purse will show that you own style and people will expect your clothing is created by a huge designer. To Dress Up Like a celeb, confirm Your Garments Fit Stars wear designer clothing that is custom made and it usually conforms to their body beautifully. Spend a little additional to get your garments changed to fit your body type. A tight fit makes all the difference in how clothing looks on you.

Most Wanted

Anna Selezneva & Wes Bentley by Peter Lindbergh

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