New Year Gown 2011 & Gifts @ Thalia's Fashion

N E W R E L E A S E S & G I F T S

Teleport to Thalia's Fashion Collection - Main Store here:

★ New Year Gown 2011 - Gorgeous New Year 2011 Gown. Celebrate in style! This gorgeous gown comes with long & short skirts and a fur boa!

★ New Member & Profile Gifts: Comes in 2 version denim dresses!! Completely FREE to Members & those who have Thalia's Fashion in their picks!

★ Gorgeous New Year 2011 Gown. Celebrate in style! This gorgeous gown comes with long & short skirts and a fur boa!
★ New Member & Profile Gifts: Comes in 2 version denim dresses!!

Teleport to Thalia's Fashion Collection - Main Store here:

a year in review...



I can't believe it's nearly 2011! The years just seem to fly by as we get older, don't they? Crazy... 2010 has been a truly fantastic year for me, filled with creativity, new adventures (changing cities, for one) and fun with loved ones, and I hope 2011 proves to be an even brighter year for us all. Wishing you all love and happiness for the year ahead, my lovelies-- Happy New Year! xx

the last tear drops

the last hours of this year.. it went so incredible fast! it has been a good year for my, though..
i made my blog, got higher at school, had a great vacation, spent much time with my friends..
i hope you all have a nice evening tongiht, and ofcourse a happy, loving, sharing new year!
i hope you all keep reading my blog! thanks for the great year! love ♥

holiday look

In meinem heutigen Post geht es um meinen lieblings Look für die Ferien.
Mein lieblings Look muss:
-bequem sein
-gut aussehen
-warm halten
mehr eigentlich nicht. Dieses Outfit ist zwar nicht sehr spektakulär, aber dafür total alltagstaulich, oder??
Ohh und wenn euch das Outfit gefällt, wäre ich total froh, wenn ihr HIER draufgehen würdet und auf das Herzchen klickt :)

Today's post is about my favorite look for the holidays.
This look has to be:
-comfortable/ cozy
- warm
this is everything. And today's look is defenitely perfect fo the holidays. It's not that spectaculair but it's really good for yor daily routine, isn't it?
Ohh and please please please click HERE and vote for my Look on Fashionclick (just click on the heart)
Thank you so much guys!
dress: Primark  gloves, brooch, bag, shoes: my moms slipover: don't know hat: H&M

happy pulunder 016 pulunder 042 pulunder 033 pulunder 034

fairweather and pleather...






Outfit details: dress- Forever 21; faux leather jacket- Sirens; boots- Feet First; scarf- gifted; ring- YSL

New in the Shop.

New in my Shop

Studded Ankle Boots

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If you want to check out my Shop for some more informations please feel free and click HERE or use my ShopLink 'Shop DaringFashion' on the sidebar.


New Skirt, Meet My Blog


When I saw this skirt my immediate reaction was "I'm going to remix the h out of you, skirt." And when I have that strong of a reaction, I know that what to do. So I bought this skirt with my Christmas money on super sale (hello, 50% off!) and I love it. I'm having to tell myself not to go back to Loft, I just can't help myself when I see the words 50% off. It's like winning the lottery, but better. OK not better. But my chances of saving money are much higher than winning money. Of course, my chances of spending money either way are very high. This is why I should never play the lottery. Shopping is risky enough. 

I talked my husband into taking me out to lunch and then talked him into snapping some photos. And then I talked him into marrying me. Oh wait, I already did that. No wonder he was confused when I got down on one knee and proposed. 

If you can't tell, this week I am silly. I'm still running on the Christmas-spirit fumes. Don't worry they'll go away in a few days and then I'll be back to my dry, humorless self. Till then, it's silly time. 

What Santa brought me.

Finally! What Santa brought me ...

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Hi everybody!

I hope you had an amazing Christmas time with your family and all the people you love, that all your wishes came true and that you're healthy and not sick like me. One day before Christmas (in Germany we're celebrating Christmas three days, the 24th till the 26th) I got sick. My throat grieved and I had no voice at all. I think you know the rest of this story so let's talk about something different.
I just wanted to show you very quickly what Santa brought me this year for Christmas and I hope that I can finally take some new outfit pictures soon, but today even if I feel much better than yesterday I'll stay at home in my bed. Just in case to not relapse. :P
I'll read some stuff for school, I'll surf in the www and I'll try to figure out which pair of high end shoes I could buy. Like I told you before I'll buy more of these exclusive things and yes I already saved some money :D 
I saw a really nice pair but I'm not sure right now if I should buy it. For me it seems to be more of a winter and upcoming spring season piece and in summer it's just for rainy, dark and cold days. Even though if I'm thinking about that actually they are the perfect shoes for Europe and so they're for me.
Anyway I'm not sure right now. I think I'll have a look on,,,, ... and so on.
Do you have any other great online shops where I can find great clothes and shoes. Oh and did you see the camel coat with the fur on the pictures above? I need a scarf, just a simple one that fits to that kind of coat. Do you know where to get one?

Hugs and Kisses to all of you!


Meine lieben Leser!

Ich hoffe, ihr habt ein wunderschoenes Weihnachtsfest hinter euch liegen, dass ihr reichlich beschenkt wurdet, eure Wuensche und Hoffnungen sich erfuellt haben und ihr gluecklich und vor allem gesund seid.
Mich hat es voll erwischt, einen Tag vor Weihnachten merkte ich es kratzen und schliesslich schmerzen, Heiligabend war es dann auch schon um meine Stimme geschehen ... Drei Tage lang konnte ich kein Wort herausbringen, nur ein Fluestern ging mir ueber die Lippen - allerdings auch nur ziemlich einsilbig und ohne vieler Worte. Halsschmerzen sind wirklich uebel! Zum Glueck kein Fieber! Ok. Genug den sterbenden Schwan gespielt :D
Ich wollte euch ein paar Impressionen hinterlassen, von den Teilen, die mir dieses Jahr Weihnachten ein Funkeln in die Augen getrieben haben :P Wenn ich auch schon nicht reden konnte ... Aber manchmal sagen ja Blicke mehr als tausend Worte. 

Obwohl ich heute wirklich viiiiiel lieber gemuetlich durch Hannover schlendern und hier und da ein wenig gucken wuerde, bleibe ich doch noch lieber in meinem Bettchen liegen. Etwas lesen und im Internet surfen kann wirklich Wunder bewirken :P 

Ein anderer Punkt:
Ein ganz bestimmtes Schuhpaerchen geht mir einfach nicht mehr aus dem Kopf, ich bin allerdings noch unentschlossen ob kaufen oder doch eher noch nach anderen Ausschau halten. Ich schaue heute mal diverse Online Shops, wie,,,, ... durch, vielleicht mache ich ja eine Neuentdeckung. Kennt ihr vielleicht noch andere tolle Shops wo man schauen koennte?

Noch ein Punkt:
Oben auf den Bildern zu sehen ist u.a. ein Mantel in der schoenen Farbe camel - ich suche noch einen schoenen schlichten Schal, vielleicht nicht unbedingt  einen schwarzen. Wisst ihr wo man einen bekommen koennte, der aber auch ein wenig laenger als nur eine Saison lang durchhaelt? 
Ich ziehe mich nun zurueck, vielleicht gibt es heute noch den einen oder anderen Post hinterher geschmissen ;) 

Ps: Mir ist gerade aufgefallen, dass ich noch ein Teil vergessen
    habe abzulichten ...

Ps.Ps: Bilder werden auf jeden Fall noch folgen ;)

Ps.Ps.Ps: Ich werde meinen Shop aktualisieren und auch neue Dinge
          in den Kleiderkreisel stellen.


with love from... london!

during the christmas days my sister was in london,
she brought me the best macarons in the whole world; ladurée <3
and a key hanger, so sweet! don't the macarons look delicious?

together at last: YSL Arty Ovale


I've dreamt about this ring for over a year now, admiring as bloggers left and right featured it in their posts... I even wrote about my yearning for it here back in May when it was sold out everywhere. *Sigh* Well no longer must I pine over YSL's Arty Ovale-- it's finally mine! My amazingly sweet and thoughtful boyfriend surprised me with it this Christmas, cleverly hiding it in a large box under an old shirt of his just to confuse me... Trickster! I can't even begin to describe how excited I was when I opened it up; I pretty much screamed and jumped around for far longer than one would consider normal... All I can say is best Christmas gift EVER!

What did you all get this year? Fill me in on your Christmas loot! xx


How the weather forced me to wear this outfit:


How I wanted to wear this outfit:

Alright so yes, I might be wearing the same shirt I wore yesterday. It's just so pretty and I was still feeling romantic, so I put it back on this morning. If wearing a shirt twice in one week is a crime, then lock me up. My one call will be to Loft. To bring me more shirts to wear over and over again.

I also wanted to wear just this shirt with my skirt but Texas has apparently decided that it's winter and I couldn't go without a jacket. One day the weather will do what I say and coordinate with my closet, until then I must comply.

Also, as you can tell my shirt has MAJOR static cling. Even after taping multiple dryer sheets to my body, it still clings. Seriously, nothing worked. What can I say? Cute clothes love me. I just can't keep them off of me.

i've nowhere to stand and now nowhere to hide

hi guys! already the 28st of december, time is flying.. did you al enjoy christmas?
mine was ok, had a great 1st christmas day, second i became very ill..
well, better luck next year! above you can see my outfit from today.
i'll post my christmas outfit soon!
[i'm sorry for the bad pictures, i was in a hurry so i couldn't make beter pictures.. ]

Remember this guy?


Well my sweet baby cousin (who is actually 22 days older than me) has now opened an Etsy shop filled with warm neck sweaters or cowl scarves, as everyone else calls them. I nagged her to knit you guys one and she did. You are very welcome. 

This shameless plug is brought to you by the debt I incurred on my cousin during the college years. Thanks Jaci for letting me sleep on your couch, letting me drink your diet cokes and for talking me into dating Bryan. I owe you one.

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