Truth or Dare


{Shop: Dress, Scarf, Boots}
Truth or Dare?

Hopefully you said truth, because that's what you are going to get. This is a different outfit for me to be honest, but I wore it so I'm going to blog it. That's how I roll. Sometimes new is scary. So let's see things I like about this outfit: the sweater of the dress + belt combo. I thought that was new for Kendi. And I also really like my cowl, but maybe for another outfit? Maybe it's the color? Or maybe it's the crazy cold medication talking and my outfit looks just fine. Any of those could be possible. Speaking of possible hallucinations, does anyone else see that unicorn? No? Oh I guess it was just a regular horse.

If you said dare, I've already run through my neighbors sprinklers wearing a panda bear suit once today, okay? Isn't that enough?

Thanks for all of your feedback on the closet post below! You guys have some GREAT tips. Instead of giving my advice, I should have just invited you guys over to clean out my closet. And while you're at it we could really use an extra pair of hands in the kitchen. This dinner is not going to make itself.

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