photo of the day...

Image courtesy of Souvenirs

check out that stud...

Image courtesy of Stockholm Street Style

bohemian like you...

Images courtesy of Knight Cat

Uds. saben que soy partidaria de las imágenes grandes, en las que se puede ver hasta el último detalle. Lamentablemente estas eran todas pequeñitas, asi que, no tuve opción más que la del collage-.

Topshop Store Opening in London, May 19, 2010-.

Leaving the Berkeley Hotel in London, May 06, 2010-.

It's love

Gestern habe ich mal wieder im Schrank meiner Mutter gestöbert und diese Bluse gefunden. Sie hat einen Leoparden- und Zebraprint und ist beige. Ich mag sie total. Wie gefällt sie euch?
Bluse: Mama

Yesterday I was looking into my moms wardrobe and I found this blouse. She has got a lepoard and zebra print. I love it. Do you like it??
Blouse: My moms
Leggins:My moms
Boots: don't know

love in the time of reality tv

You guys, can you believe that Heidi and Spencer broke up? I am just beside myself. I mean if they can't make it, who can? Does love even exist? I honestly can't even answer that question anymore.

On a side note, I hope they get back together or I'm going to really regret getting this tattoo.

Yes, it's the orange skirt again. I think that this skirt has become the bottom half of my weekendi uniform. It's a bit too short to wear to work, so I've reserved it for the weekends and after-hours. I don't mind though, it's perfect for looking cute while doing nothing. Well, I guess I can wear it to work then.

Speaking of doing nothing, I hope everyone is having a good, long weekend. It has taken me two and a half days to clean my house. Not because it's that messy, but because I'm that lazy. Cheers to three day weekends.

*For those of you who are concerned with the correct spelling of "Speidi" -- I wish now more than ever that you would have been there when I got the tattoo. I was just trying to use the old "i before e except after c" rule. I guess no rules -- not even grammar rules -- apply in Hollywood.

Spring Summer Moodboard

Just a quick post with a photo of a mood board I made to let you know that I am alive and well and that the exams haven't killed me (yet...)
I have lost my voice and have been living on soothers and cups of tea for the past 2 days but still, you get the idea. 6 exams down and 11 to go so once they have all finished expect much more posts to make up for my current absence.

Anyway, back to my moodboard. It is a spring/summer themed, taken by my beautiful Canon 1000D and consists of a few things that are currently inspiring me.
From top left clockwise:
Red topshop heart shaped clutch, designer dress (any idea who designed it? I stupidly cut off the label when I cut it out of Grazia) Pastel coloured nails, feather skirt from topshop, vintage photo, Miss Dior advert shot by Tim Walker, Vivienne Westwood for Melissa heels, 50's advert cut out of a Guardian supplement, my fan I got out of a Christmas cracker, lace print nails, Emma Cook for topshop heels, makeup print clutch bag, Gemma Ward photo from Vogue, Luella SS2010 collection, Juicy Couture advert (LOVE the pink zebra) and floral Nike dunks.

Oh and a parcel arrived for me yesterday from Conde Nast...
Yes that's right I got the first of my years subscription to Vogue. Still buzzing that one of those beauties will land on my humble doorstep every single month.

Hope your all having an amazing bank holiday weekend. You doing anything exciting?
I am just off to watch Dr Who now :)

Hugs and kisses,
Beth xoxoxo

Scarf & Shirt in one

Hi girls, here my outfit of today whit a new top!

Top - Ichi
Undertop - H&M
Jeans - Only


Letzten Freitag habe ich mir die neue Blonde gekauft. Ich bin total begeisteret von ihr. die Blonde ist nicht nur eine Zeitschrift mit tollen Fotostrecken und Kleidungsstücken, sondern auch eine Zeitschrift mit wirklich interessanten Berichten und tollen Inspirationen. Ich kann sie wirklich jedem empfehlen,der Mode liebt. Leider ist der Preis von 5€ etwas teuer.Mehr infos gibt's auf
Ps: Am 4. Juni werde ich uaf "Best dressed reader of the day" sein! (Juhuuuu)
Jetzt weiss ich nur nicht, ob ich anfangen soll, meinen Blog auf Deutsch und Englisch zu schreiben. Was meint ihr? Mir gefällt ja besonders der Mann mit der Gameboy Color Kette :)

Last Friday I bought the new Blonde. I'm so impressed by this magazine. Blonde isn't just a magazine having cool pictures and clothes in it. It's also a magazine with interesting stories and inspiring pictures. I really can recommend this magazine. There's just one negative thing. The price. The magazine costs 5€. You'll get more information on
Ps: On 4th of June I'll be the bestr dressed reader of the day on teenvogue. I can't believe it!
What do you think about it?? I love the guy wearing his gameboy as necklace. So cool!

Die 2 untersten Bilder sind aus der aktuellen Blonde abfotografiert. Das oberste Bild ist von

one tough cookie

A few things I learned this week:
1. I am not a good packer.
2. Never leave your photographer at home.
3. I'm addicted to taking pictures of myself and posting them on the internet.
4. I've missed you guys.

As we were taking outfit pictures today all of my narcism that had faded away over the past few days came right back to me. I felt warmth in my blood for the first time in days. I started sounding like myself again, starting out all of my sentences with 'I' or "What about me?" Let's just say, it feels good to be back.

You know when you come upon a piece of clothing and you are so drawn to it that you must not only buy it but talk to it? That is what this dress is to me. I saw her on the rack at J.Crew and immediately began speaking baby talk to her. I asked her if she wanted to come home with me and although she didn't respond, I knew that we were destined to be together.

Anyways, earlier this week on What I Wore, Jessica posted outfits from a weekend challenge called Sweet and Rough. Well I wasn't able to send in photos, but I had this outfit in mind the whole time. I love this sweet little dress with my grommeted belt and my bruised arm. Nothing says sweet like a nice thumb-sized bruise, possibly from a car door, possibly from a bar fight.

I guess there is one more thing I learned this week. A bruise will get you attention but a bruise on your arm in the shape of a male's thumb, will get you more.


return of the scrunchie...

Just when you thought they were behind you, the quintessential 80s hair tie returns for a repeat performance... That's right my friends, I'm talking about scrunchies. You know, those poofy, printed, colorful ponytail holders of days yore? Yup, the very ones. From Marc Jacobs' Spring collection all the way to Chanel, the runway has marked the comeback of these badboys in a big way. Even mass retailers such as American Apparel, with their metallic renditions, and H&M, with their floral offerings, have jumped aboard the scrunchie bandwagon. And although I myself am not sure how I feel about the trend, these once unsightly accessories (think Carrie explaining to Burger that a city girl would never be caught dead sporting one in public) are back, whether I like it or not...


My outfit todayyy :)

Dress - River Island
Blazer - H&M

American Idol Hit the Red Carpet

Check out Lee and Crystal, Michael Lynche, Paige Miles and Andrew Garcia, season 8 winner Kris Allen, season six winner Jordin Sparks and even judge Ellen DeGeneres hit the red carpet.

"I can do anything good."

Yes, I'm relying on cute kid videos to keep your readership due to the lack of outfit posts this week. I'll be back tomorrow, I swear!!

Now, let's all repeat after Jessica... "I can do anything good, better than anyone."

Detrás de escena: Sex and the city 2

Estoy muy ansiosa -no creo ser la única- supongo que muchas deben sentir lo mismo.

Ya quiero que sea 3 de junio para ver la segunda parte de esta película.

¿Y uds. la van a ir a ver? Yo no me la pienso perder!!

killing time...

Image courtesy of Face Hunter


Meine neue Bluse habe ich am Freitag bei H&M für 20€ gekauft. Mir gefällt sie total, weil sie zu fast allem passt. Eigentlich wollte ich mir bei H&M ja ein Maxikleid kaufen. Aber leider gab es keine, die mir gefielen. Naja dafür habe ich jetzt meine Bluse.
Rock, Bluse: H&M
Schuhe: Esprit
Tasche: Accessorize
Söckchen: von meiner Mutter
I bought this new  blouse in Gießen on Friday. I love because you can wear it to neraly everything.  Actually I wanted to buy a Maxidress but I didn't find one. So I bought my blouse.
Skirt,Blouse: H&M
socks: my moms

The rest is still unwritten

Hello again, yes again new stuff, I know.. A new dress and a new jeans:

Jeans/Dress - H&M

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