Maquillaje Primavera - Verano 2009 / 2010


Madame X

In Harper's Bazaar of 2006 was this photo by Anton Ismail. It belonged to a series showing women with masks.

I don't know if the photographer knows this painting by John Singer Sargent (1856–1925), but I think so, because Sargent and especially this painting are really famous.

And then I think that there are enough similarities. The elegant style, the pose, the illumination.

Madame X (1884)

New Moon...

I am willing to admit that I jumped onto the Twilight bandwagon- because who doesn't love a band wagon?
And as soon as I read the first book (because you have to read the book before you see the film) I was 100% in love with Edward Cullen. Yes just like every other girl in the world it seems.
The fact that they cast Robert Pattinson as the vampire just re-inforced the love.
The 15 second teaser for New Moon:


I have just finished reading 'Unsticky' by Sarra Manning.
I bought it in a Waterstones on the way to Mull and since I got my hands on it I could not put it down.

It was the perfect fashion filled, funny and fabulous page turner to read with a cuppa tea while rain was pounding on the window.

I have read most of the teenage books she has written such as 'Guitar Girl' and 'Pretty Things' which I really enjoyed but I think this one, her debut adult novel, is her best yet.

Evo Festival

Wowee this years Evolution festival was the best yet.
In the end we saw White Lies, Human League, The Wombats, Nouvelle Vague, Little Boots, The Maccabees, The View and Dizzee Rascal.
Unfortunately Ladyhawke, Mystery Jets and more importantly Friendly Fires clashed with the headliners who were on the other stage so we had to miss them but it was all good because the bands we did see were brilliant.
Even the weather was amazing for most of the weekend (it did rain for a bit on Monday but I bought a fetching yellow waterproof cape which more than made up for it!)
Amazing weekend...

Me (left) and Emma :)

Little Boots- sorry about the rubbish quality...

Holiday Holiday Holiday

Sorry for my short absence I have been on a short family holiday to the Isle of Mull.
"Where the hell is Mull?" I hear you ask.
Well it is a remote Scottish Island where you can "drive for hours and not see a single soul."

Which I am sure lots of people might like the sound of, you know going on long walks and generally "getting away from it all" but it's not really my thing.

I still had a really good time though even if it is nice to be back home, catching up on Facebook and Britain's Got Talent...

Less Is More

ACAD graduate Clayton Evans reveals his aw09 complexgeometries collection, a contemporary fashion line based out of Montreal. Evans pieces breathe fresh life into our consumer driven culture, letting you feel stylish and comfortable.

The pieces are sold in select stores across the world, with major following in New York and Tokyo.
Calgary can now purchase these constructed garments through the online store.

Bring a little shape to your basics, I'd say.

Check back for my interview with the new label!


hey i think you have to have a look at this...
and also read it. always!!!

Meet My Muse(s) #5

"What people say isn't going to stop me. I have to do things for myself".
-Kate Moss

"I am now determined to do really weird parts but I think I overdo it in auditions so nobody really trusts me! ".
-Robert Pattinson

"Never say never. The things that you don't plan are the best. I'm a very spontaneous person".
-Lindsay Lohan

These three are my latest obsessions and really need no introduction, they all have carefree style and all have a little mystery to them.

I could not chose just one muse so they all are!!

Photographs courtesy of Hypebeast

Britney Inspired Outfit @ Thalia's Fashion

Outfit is inspired from Britney Spears "It's Me Against The Music" Video. Includes Strapless Top, Pants, Tie & Feodora Hat!


new collection of dresses and garments from the label krenare rugova is now available at ostblock.
krenare rugova is an us-educated kosovar fashion designer.
it is her first commercial presentation outside of kosovo and she belives that her label " will be received well by international customers."
me too.


today ostblock has a 4th birthday... and i am happy.

i would like to thank to all people who helped me much during this time, my friends, family, ostblock's customers and of course great designers from eastern europe.

Getting It Right

Dear Jak&Jill Blog;
I Love You. This is the most perfect High/Low outfit I have ever seen. Leave it to the Parisians. 

Black & White

Qué lindo es tener un fin de semana largoo. Ideal para descansar, y hacer cosas que teníamos pendientes.
Ayer fue 25 de Mayo, un día patrio, todos con escarapelas, celebrando en familia, como es típico acá en Buenos Aires.
Mucha gente en la calle, principalmente en los centros turísticos de Buenos Aires,y obviamente no puedo dejar de nombrar a San Telmo. Apuesto a que estaba repleto de gente este 25 de Mayo, lástima que no pude ir, con lo que adoro a ese barrio.
Yo festejé a mi manera, no tanto en familia, sino con amigos que hace mucho no veía por diferentes razones. Ellos por el trabajo o la universidad y yo también por el estudio.
Ayer como fue feriado aproveché y me levante tardee! =D Bueno, en realidad para mi, levantarme a las 8 de la mañana es tarde. Como estoy acostumbrada a levantarme a las 5:30 a.m para mi levantarme a esa hora es todo un lujo!
Como les iba contando, me encontré con algunos amigos, nos reunimos en una cafetería (mi 2do lugar favorito) y nos pusimos a charlar por horas y horas! Poco a poco la cafetería se fue llenando! Menosmal que fuimos temprano, porque sino nos quedabamos sin lugar. Pero claro que no sólo esa cafetería estaba repleta de gente, sino que toda la calle, los bares, las plazas, parecía que todos, absolutamente todos, estaban dispuestos a empezar a festejar.
Fue un día lindo, necesitaba un feriado para descansar de tanto estudio. Asi que podríamos decir que este feriado me vino genial!

Y por último...
... no pude dejar de poner estas ilustraciones, a mi parecer divinas! Son de vogue:

Weekly Gifts & MM Board Prize @ Thalia's Fashion 5-25-09

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