vol. 18

Bad news -- the real outfit number 18's photos got deleted. I know. You can blame my husband for that. Just send complaint mail to mistereveryday@randomemailprovider.com. Subject line: How Dare You?

So this is the stand in for outfit 18. She was a little upset when I explained to her that she was going to be 18 and not 19. But that's the way it goes when you are just a number in my closet line-up. Speaking of outfits and the 30 for 30 challenge, how the h are some of you almost done?? Just how is that possible? I've got 12 more outfits to go and about two more weeks. I'm envious of your determination, endurance and quick remix abilities. Also, I've noted that I must be a really slow dresser.

We were in Austin for the day and stopped over at BookPeople (one of my favorite spots in Austin) to take some pictures. You guys, this took lots of bravery because most of the time it's just me and Bryan and no one else. Today it was me, Bryan and a store full of books and people. Ha -- Books and People, BookPeople. I didn't even mean for that to happen, but I'm glad it did.

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