GLANCE | Front Row - Sneak Peek Part 3

On April, 1st at 12 PM SLT starts GLANCE Front Row and i am happy to be one of the Bloggers presenting the first views of what to come. GLANCE International Agency produces a grid-wide event that is aiming at raising L$ for Relay For Life® through the official registered team #40 GLANCE Runway For Life, 100% of the proceeds go to RFL. Front Row will feature an in-world “tour” involving fifty of SecondLife®’s fashion-forward designers and contributors to the fashion community through clothing, skins, shapes, accessories… in short, every aspect that makes an avatar distinct and ”fashionably them”.

DeJaVu dress black white incl. boots by DoJo for Front Row
Juma mini Dress lavendar by Son!a for Front Row

Other credits:

Jolie skin Japan Donation item by Al Vulo
Leah hair by Dr Life
Knot Wedges by G*Field

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