on top of it

To the lady in white suburban who drove down this hidden country road the minute I was just getting into my model poses: Yes, these are my senior high school pictures. No need to slow down and linger, I'm just a 17 year old out here on a dirt road with an obviously older man alone with a camera. Go Tigers!

Looks can be deceiving, but that, my dears, is not a dress. Well technically it is a dress, but I tucked the top under and added a new top on top of the other top, if that makes sense. Then I added a flower on top to top it off. I'm thinking about just hacking off the old top anyways. (In sewing terms "to hack" means to take a chainsaw and lightly cut the fabric until it bleeds.) I'll let you know how it goes. I'm still having trouble with cutting straight lines and tracing my hand on paper. Which I realize has nothing to do with sewing, but everything to do with my under developed motor skills.

Flower pin courtesy of Dulken and Derrick.

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