navy is the new black

Let's just pretend that my blazer matches my socks and heels, okay? Let's also pretend that I have millions of dollars and live in a land where shopping bans are illegal. And while we're at it my name is Jenny Lewis and I am awesome.

You guys, I've made a mistake in not giving myself warmer clothing in this challenge. Sure I have pants but it's really my arms that are suffering this bout of cold weather these past few days. I might have to cut out the ends of some socks and pass them off as arm warmers. My husband suggested a jacket. Yes, that's what I shall do. Although the sock on the arm thing did sound like a fun craft project.

But instead of my sock arm warmers trend, I decided to try out the socks with heels trend. I must say, I kind of love it. I did catch a few dirty looks and odd glances. Which is weird because when I glance back, they are wearing the same thing except their knee socks are really ankle socks and their heels are really orthopedic Keds. It's just that somedays I really want to pack up my whole town into a Greyhound bus and all go on a road trip to NYC, just to show them that the world isn't flat and that I'm certainly not crazy for wearing tall socks. Perhaps for taking pictures of myself everyday, but definitely not for the socks.

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