scenes from a good day

{images by bryan}
Family Photo
{images by amy and nathan russell}
Just a few snapshots of our fun little weekend so far. My friend Amy has mentioned this truck in their apartment parking lot before and today we marched over with Carlos (our pup) and snapped a few shots. Can you believe this great truck has just been sitting there for years? Can you believe this is in the middle of a parking lot? Can you believe that our dog can smile on command? All in all it's been a very good day. Thanks to Amy I now have a new favorite family photo.

We're in Austin this weekend and I decided to pack light, mostly because I need to do a load of laundry. Good news of the 30 day challenge? 1 one load of laundry per week. Of course, my husband's pile is growing. He better get to it soon, I've got 15 more outfits, two more loads and I'm not sure he's going to last.

Off to eat more food and have more laughter than 4 people should be allowed to enjoy. Happy weekending.

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