30 for 30 Finale: The Summer Edition


So here are all the 30 looks all in one place. I still have a few combinations up my sleeves, but I've decided to wear them outside of the challenge -- as I don't have enough clothes not to. Unless you count a shirt with no pants as an outfit. I know somewhere in America they do, but I'm not allowed to go there.

So I have to say that this time around was a lot easier. Perhaps in part because I knew what to expect, but I really enjoy having this challenge around and I hope you do to. It really helps to give me perspective on what I have and a balance of what I want and what I need. My friend Emily Kennedy said that this whole experience is very "zen of your closet" and I couldn't agree more. To" be in the closet you have" is a challenging but wonderful thing.

I have to say that if this has not made you a believer in accessories, then I don't know what will. A scarf, a belt, a pair of shoes can change an outfit easily, quickly and cheaply. All I want for fall are scarves and a pair of boots. I might get cold, but it will be worth it, trust me.

Moving on to the more gratuitous part of this wrap-up are my favorite looks. Numbers 3, 6, 12, 17, 24, 30 were my faves (1 for each week). Did you have a favorite? My husband seemed to like all of the outfits that contained either the lace top or the leopard print skirt. Typical.

To everyone that participated THANK YOU! I hope you had fun and learned a thing or two about your closet. If you want to participate for another challenge, I'm sure I'll be brewing something up later on this fall.

(Oh and in case you wanted a poster size of my 30 for 30 outfits, just contact me. I'm only printing two on my black and white laserjet printer -- one for you, lucky reader, and one for my husband for his office. A huge poster of 30 Kendi's just sitting next to a vase of confetti. He loves my decorating skillz. <--------- made even more distinguished when I use the letter "z.")

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