It's OK


Yesterday I wore two different socks. There is no actual problem with this, the function was still there just not the form. But the thing is I didn't realize this until last night, as I was getting ready for bed. I looked down and there they were: my two mismatched feet, in polka dot socks. Then I realized one more thing: I am tired.

For the last 6 months, we have been going non-stop. Partly because we like to be busy and partly because life is busy. Lesson learned that life doesn't stop, even when you need it to. I am tired, not of my blog or of you guys, just in general. I would work 24 hours a day, if my body would let me. But I can't, as I've learned. I need a weekend and I need a nap. Yes, I've realized all of this because of one -- well technically two -- pairs of perfectly mismatched socks. So to that I declare that it is okay. It's okay to be more than a little tired at times, a little mismatched, a little disheveled. It's okay to wake up in the mismatched socks that you wore yesterday and to not care. It's okay to take a day off, or two, or three. It's okay to take outfit pictures and realize you hate your outfit. It's okay to vow to only wear sweatpants for the next two days. It's okay to take a break.

Whatever it is, it's okay. 

Here is to the weekend, see you and a new pair of socks on Monday.

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