polka dots and tu-tu's

Good news -- I not only woke up on the right side of the bed today but I also had time to make breakfast. Even before 8:30, I knew it was going to be a better day. Thanks for not abandoning me and my bad mood. He usually doesn't stick around for longer than a day.

So after reading my post on Monday about slipping on denim leggings under my dress, my sister texted me today and asked my what denim leggings were. I found it a bit challenging to find the right words to describe them, so I went with the birds and the bees approach: Let's say that knit leggings and denim jeans were up in the club and decided to hook-up after quickly eloping (trying to keep it family friendly here). Well then the pair of jeans got pregnant and decided to keep the baby, although the leggings wasn't ready to start a family. Nine months later denim leggings were born and are now available at most retailers, including J.Crew. Which I drooled over in their newest catalog. While I was eating Nutella mind you. By the spoonful. It was very sticky drool. Had to throw the catalog away. Along with a few books that were on the table as well. Well there you go. I've gone and done it again. I've completely over-shared.

Now that you know about my steady diet of Nutella and J.Crew catalogs, on to the outfit. As you know, I usually pull out the old adult-sized tu-tu to make me feel better and the way that yesterday was going it felt like the tu-tu was necessary in order to save this week from going to pot. Tonight was date night after all, so why not live a little? I'm only young once, I'll dress boring when I'm dead. And now I'm back on the couch catching up on American Idol and Lost. AND I blogged before 10 pm. Now that's a good day.

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