Batch 1 - CLOSED!

Here are the list of your order. Please ensure that we've list down the correct Code/Color/Size (If any).
If something wrong, please do drop us E-Mail/SMS.
Thank you :D

Order List(In-Stocks) for 1st Batch
1. Ee Von (paid - delivered)
CO4029c, Grey

2. Cynthia (paid - delivered)
COF0006, White

3. Felina (paid - delivered)
JK1723, White

4. Lisa (paid - delivered)
COF0006b, Black
RL2298038, Blue

5. Chen Lin (paid - delivered)
E7051b, White
CO4052, Black
TL9665, Blue

6. Bee Sim (paid - delivered)
MQ20983, White
CO4008b, Black
E6062c, Yellow

7. Jesslyn Lie (paid - delivered)
MQ99050, Pink
MQ99050b, Black
TL9703, Black
TL9703c, Blue

8. Wina (paid - delivered)
AN006, White
JK1723b, Pink

9. Sheeta (paid - delivered)
CO3957c, Dark Blue

10. Shelly (paid - delivered)
TL9564c, Grey

11. 936328XX (paid - delivered)
JK1621, Pink

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