My Picks to Remix

With the remix just around the corner (no seriously, it's next Tuesday), I thought I'd go ahead and post my items for the 30 for 30. And here they are in all of their remixing glory. Please don't stare, they hate it when you stare.

Can you just imagine all of my outfits right now? You can? Well stop that. If you imagine all of my outfits there will be no element of surprise. 

So as you can see, I am one item shy. Would you guys be so kind to help me pick the last item? That's right! Reader's Choice. So will you pick the Rookie Polka Dot Top or the 30 for 30 Veteran, the Red Heels. Only you can decide my fate.
(I promise that if you choose the polka dot top, I will iron it.)

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